We are currently experiencing a technical issue which means some customers are not able to get new codes to download their digital Railcard to the Railcard app. We are working to fix this as quickly as possible and are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Frequently Asked Questions?

Can I use auto-renewal?

Auto-renewal allowed customers to have their 1-year Railcards renew automatically 14 days before the expiry date using their existing debit/credit payment details.

The auto-renewal option was removed from the website on 4 April 2019.

The final auto-renewals were made on 3 April 2019 for Railcards expiring on 17 April 2019. Therefore, customers who selected auto-renewal when they purchased and have an expiry date after 17 April 2019, will need to renew through their online account instead.

Some customers may have received an email saying that their Railcard would be renewed automatically, but if it has an expiry date after 17 April 2019, this will not have been attempted. Railcards can be renewed up to 30 days before their expiry date through an online account, by clicking the “RENEW” button and following the instructions from there.

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