We are currently experiencing a technical issue which means some customers are not able to get new codes to download their digital Railcard to the Railcard app. We are working to fix this as quickly as possible and are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Frequently Asked Questions?

I am getting the message "Internal Server Error" during the application process. What can I do?

The “Internal Server Error” message is a generic error message which relates to issues to do with the way your browser is interfacing with the Railcard website. Sometimes this problem can occur if you are using compatibility mode in Internet Explorer (versions IE10 and lower).  

In Internet Explorer 10 you can click the compatibility mode button to switch it on or off. 

In Internet Explorer 11 there is no compatibility mode button so to access the Compatibility settings you will need to click on the Settings icon. In the menu that is subsequently displayed you will find “Compatibility View Settings” – click this. In the Settings panel that displays, make sure that railcard.co.uk is not the box entitled, “Websites you’ve added to compatibility view”.  If it is please click on the entry and click the remove button, then click to close it.

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