We are currently experiencing a technical issue which means some customers are not able to get new codes to download their digital Railcard to the Railcard app. We are working to fix this as quickly as possible and are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Frequently Asked Questions?

What do I do if my Railcard is lost or damaged?

If you bought your Railcard online, you will need to get a replacement online. You can only apply for a replacement Railcard seven or more days after the date of original purchase.
You will have to pay a £10 administration fee if your Railcard was lost or damaged. 
To apply for a replacement Railcard, please log into your account and follow the instructions on screen.
If you bought it elsewhere, provided you can produce the completed "Receipt" portion of your original application form, then you can apply for your lost or damaged Railcard to be replaced at any staffed station ticket office. You will have to pay a £10 administration fee.
Until you have your replacement Railcard, we’re sorry but you will have to pay the full fare. The lost discount is not refundable.

Buy online in a few easy steps

Create an account
Add your details
Prove your
Review and
secure payment